Archive | Videos

Create a Text Portrait Poster with Photoshop

Marty Geller is the Founder & Director of Blue Lightning TV. He provides a number of tutorial on Photoshop. In this video he shows how to create a powerful text portrait poster. While you may not need a poster designed in this fashion, his videos provide a number of tips for using Photoshop.

Visit his website at

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Avada WordPress Theme at ThemeForest

Envato is an ecosystem of sites to help you get creative. It includes Envato Market, the leading marketplace for images, themes, project files and creative assets. We use it all of the time to purchase WordPress Themes along with images needed to complete projects.

We just started working on a website using the Avada WordPress Theme that we purchased on ThemeForest which is part of the Envato Market. The above video features Muhammad Haris, a WordPress developer who created the Avada theme.

It’s always nice to get the back-story on products you use. Enjoy

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The History of Typography

Typography is everywhere. Just look around. Books, signs, packaging, and television all use type to accentuate their message.

“If you remember the shape of your spoon at lunch, it has to be the wrong shape,” said Adrian Frutiger about typography. “The spoon and the letter are tools; one to take food from the bowl, the other to take information off the page… When it is a good design, the reader has to feel comfortable because the letter is both banal and beautiful.”

By incorporating strong typography habits, your designs will have much more impact.
